James R. Ellenwood – National Individual Tree Species Atlas


Автор: James R. Ellenwood
Название книги: National Individual Tree Species Atlas
Формат: PDF
Тема: Деревья
Количество страниц: 332
Качество: Изначально компьютерное, E-book

This reference volume covers each tree species in the United States and precisely where each species is likely to grow and not grow. This illustrated work will benefit silviculturists, foresters, geneticists, researchers, botanists, wildlife habitat biologists, landscape ecologists-essentially anyone involved in natural resources management, monitoring impacts of climate change or visiting America’s forests and landscapes. Table of Contents National Individual Tree Species Atlas v Dedication and Acknowledgements iii List of Maps Conifers vi List of Maps Hardwoods v ii Preface ix Introduction Mapped Atlas Methods Overlays Map Preparation Modeled Atlas Methods Predictor Layers United States Geological Survey Map Zone Climate Terrain Soils Imagery Ground Data Individual Species Modeling Validation Application of the Maps Color Scheme Model Fit Leaves Other Data Specific Notes Changes to species classifications Notable differences in range Species observed Species notes Feedback Conifers Hardwoods Appendices Appendix A (Predictor Layers) Appendix B (Species Metadata) Appendix C (Indices) Appendix D (Photo Credits) References



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