Mohammad Jafferany – Geriatric Psychodermatology


Автор: Mohammad Jafferany
Название книги: Geriatric Psychodermatology
Формат: PDF
Тема: Гериатрия и геронтология, Уход за пожилыми людьми, Психодерматология пожилого возраста
Количество страниц: 295
Качество: Изначально компьютерное, E-book

The interaction between mind and skin diseases is the focus in psychodermatology. This important subspecialty is the result of the merging of two major medical specialties: psychiatry and dermatology. Research and existing publications in this field are mainly focused on the general population. The increase in life expectation and the increasing number of elderly individuals worldwide is making the geriatrics specialty more and more important. “Geriatric psychodermatology” is a combination of three medical specialties: Geriatrics, Psychiatry and Dermatology. The natural aging changes that occur in the skin can be a psychological challenge for many individuals, as well as various psychodermatological disorders pertaining to the elderly population, causing significant psychological and physical distress and impacting quality of life. This is the first book ever published about this unexplored and eminent topic. This book presents a new perspective of known psychodermatological diseases in elderly populations. Psychological implications, impact on quality of life and holistic and integrated management of psychocutaneous diseases are the main focus of this book. The authors invite you to explore the geriatric psychodermatology field.


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