Jae Hong Kim – Atlas of Breast Implant Ultrasound


Автор: Jae Hong Kim
Название: Atlas of Breast Implant Ultrasound
Формат: PDF
Тема: Атлас УЗИ грудных имплантатов
Количество страниц: 299
Качество: Компьютерное, издательское

This atlas is the first book on the use of high-resolution ultrasound to assess breast implants and identify the various potential breast implant-related complications, which are frequently asymptomatic. The aim is to provide radiologists, breast surgeons, plastic surgeons, and other medical staff with a comprehensive guide of high clinical value during not only the diagnostic but also the treatment process. To this end, a wealth of ultrasound images and videos are presented, along with surgical photos and videos and pathological findings. The coverage includes the role of ultrasound in the management of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell carcinoma, with explanation of its value in distinguishing the type of implant shell, which is highly relevant in this disease. A concluding chapter presents a large series of instructive cases. The author has extensive experience in breast surgery and has been collecting implant-related data using high-resolution ultrasound, including data on the diagnosis of side effects, for more than a decade.


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